Using a bail bondsman’s services can save you a lot of money in your legal case, but what happens if the person you bail out goes on the run? Read more below to find out.
A Bond Is a Legal Contract
It is important to note that you agree to a legal contract when you sign a bail bond. Signing a bail bond essentially means that you are promising an individual will show up to court; this way, the bonding agency can get their bail investment back. Keep in mind that missing a court date isn’t always the end of the world. In most instances, the individual’s court date can be rescheduled due to illness or unforeseen life events.
Call (614) 221-0100 today to speak with our experienced Ohio bail bondsman!
Going on the Run
Unfortunately, some people will opt to go on the run after being freed from jail. This is bad news for both the person on the run and the individual who is responsible for posting their bail bond. You can be civilly liable in these cases, which means you will have to pay for any additional fees encountered by the bail bondsman. For example, they may need to hire a bounty hunter to locate the defendant.
In the event that the individual isn’t found within a certain time period, you will be on the hook for paying the full amount of the bond. This can lead to financial trouble, to say the least. Signers who used collateral instead of money to secure the bail bond are in even more danger. They could potentially lose real estate, cars, and other property.
Making The Decision for a Bail Bond
Understandably, no one wants their loved one to spend unnecessary time in jail; however, before you sign a contract for bail, it may be wise to take note of how likely the defendant is to run off. The good news is that close to 90% of individuals who post bail will avoid a criminal charge or will be dismissed entirely.
If you need any help or have questions, be sure to contact us at . Andy Callif Bail Bonds is dedicated to helping individuals in difficult situations return home to their families.
Our Ohio bail bondsman is available 24/7, call us (614) 221-0100!