If you were arrested for a misdemeanor or felony, you might have been released on bail. This means that you do not have to remain in jail until your next scheduled court date. However, although it does give you some freedom, it does not come without limitations.
Typically, when a judge imposes bail, they do so with certain conditions. Generally, the terms are put in place to ensure you honor your promise to return to court and that your release does not pose a danger to society. The ones placed upon you depend on your specific circumstances. Should you violate any of them, you may be subject to severe consequences and penalties.
Types of Conditions that May Be Imposed
If you’re arrested for a bailable offense, you will be scheduled for a hearing, during which the judge determines the amount to set and the conditions you must abide by.
Call (614) 221-0100 today to speak with our experienced Ohio bail bondsman!
When making their decision, the judge will consider various factors, including, but not limited to:
- The specifics of the situation involving your alleged offense
- The State’s evidence against you
- Your personal situation, such as family ties, length of time living in the community, and criminal history
- Your current criminal situation, such as being on parole or a community control sanction
After weighing the factors listed above and other relevant information, the judge will impose conditions of bail.
The terms of release may include:
- Placing you under the supervision of a designated organization
- Restricting where you can go and live
- Placing you on house arrest or electronic monitoring
- Prohibiting you from contacting the alleged victim or witnesses
- Requiring you to participate in a drug or alcohol treatment program
At their discretion, the judge may order conditions other than those listed above as long as they do not violate your constitutional rights.
Contact our bail bondsman today at (614) 221-0100 to get your bail bond now!
What Happens If I Violate Bail Conditions?
Conditions of release from jail are court-ordered, which means if you violate any of them, you could face severe consequences. For instance, your bail may be revoked, which means you would be taken back into custody. Additionally, your bond may be forfeit, meaning the court will collect the full amount you owe, and you won’t receive any of it back at the conclusion of your case. The judge may set a new bond amount, and it might be significantly higher than what it was previously.
If your violation involved not showing up for your scheduled court date, you might be criminally charged for failure to appear and be subject to penalties such as jail time and/or fines.
Were you or a loved one charged with a crime in Columbus? Contact Andy Callif Bail Bonds at (614) 221-0100 for help with the bail process. We’re here to discuss your circumstances, answer your questions, and get you out on bail.
Our Ohio bail bondsman is available 24/7, call us (614) 221-0100!