Being accused of domestic violence is serious. Ohio law defines the offense as threatening to, attempting to, or actually committing harm against a family or household member.
A family or household member includes any of the following:
- Spouse
- Former spouse
- Person living as a spouse
- Parent or foster parent
- Child of a spouse or former spouse
- Child’s other natural parent
If any of the people above alleged that you caused them physical harm, you could be charged with a fourth- or first-degree misdemeanor (the level depends on the nature of the circumstances). A conviction may result in jail time, fines, and other consequences. The unfortunate thing about this is that you could be subject to penalties because of a false accusation.
A family or household member might falsely claim that you harmed them for several reasons. For instance, they might be trying to get back at you for an alleged wrong, or they might be trying to gain an unfair advantage in another legal matter, such as a child custody case. Regardless of why they made the allegations, if an officer has probable cause to believe that you have or will harm them, you may be arrested.
Also, even if the domestic violence did not happen, you will still be held in jail and may be required to post bail for your release.
Call (614) 221-0100 today to speak with our experienced Ohio bail bondsman!
Defending Against Domestic Violence Charges
Trying to explain your side of the story while being held in custody won’t exempt you from the bail requirement. Your case must still proceed through the judicial process. During the process, you can defend your innocence and show that you were falsely accused of domestic violence.
Fighting back against the allegations requires building a strong defense. Working on your legal strategy is most effectively done with a lawyer’s help and when you are not being held in jail.
Speaking to your attorney while in custody can be inconvenient and uncomfortable, as you don’t have the same level of privacy as you would were you at home or your attorney’s office. However, that’s not to say your interactions with your lawyer will not be confidential should you still be in custody while discussing your case. But many others will be nearby that can add greater stress to the situation.
Because it takes a significant amount of time and a substantial number of conversations with your lawyer to build an effective defense against domestic violence accusations, it’s imperative that you post bail and get released from jail. This can help ensure that you have access to your attorney when you need them.
If the amount of bail might be outside of your immediate financial means, contact a knowledgeable bail bondsman for help securing your release from custody.
At Andy Callif Bail Bonds, we recognize the importance of getting out of jail as quickly as possible. That is why we are available 24/7 to guide you through the process in Columbus. Call us at (614) 221-0100 or contact us online today.
Our Ohio bail bondsman is available 24/7, call us (614) 221-0100!