Whether it’s a misdemeanor or a felony offense, judges must review all the evidence and facts about a case and the defendant to set a bail amount. Although the average person may have a reasonable bail set for them, high profile cases may result in either an extremely costly bail or none at all.
The following are the most common factors judges will consider when determining a bail amount:
- Nature of the criminal offense – Stealing some clothes from a store may result in a lower bail amount compared to using a firearm while committing a theft. In general, crimes that endanger other individuals lead to higher bail amounts. However, if a person allegedly committed a violent crime but he/she was in danger and/or acted in self-defense, a judge would grant more leniency.
- Amount of evidence against the defendant – If there is a significant amount of evidence that would make a guilty verdict highly likely, bail will be set high to ensure a defendant doesn’t flee the state or country. Flight risks are considered one of the most serious issues regarded by judges and prosecutors, which is why they will take certain steps to prevent them.
- Criminal history – If a person was arrested, charged, or convicted of a previous crime or multiple offenses, a judge will most likely set a high bail amount because he/she poses a threat to the public. On the other hand, if he/she was never accused of a crime up until now, the defendant will be granted more leniency. Additionally, if a person is a public figure, a leader in the community, or even a small business owner, he/she may be given a lower bail.
- Finances – If a person became rich because of alleged criminal misconduct, a judge will set a high bail. This often occurs in white-collar crime or drug crime cases.
Call (614) 221-0100 today to speak with our experienced Ohio bail bondsman!
If a loved one has been arrested for a crime in Ohio, contact Andy Callif Bail Bonds today at (614) 221-0100 to let us help you.
Our Ohio bail bondsman is available 24/7, call us (614) 221-0100!