Can You Get Bonded Out On a Weekend?
Let’s face it, alleged criminal matters don’t just happen Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. During the weekends or late at night, many people have more free time, and unfortunately, that means they might make a mistake that results in an arrest outside of regular business hours. When this happens, can you still bail someone out of jail? Or do you have to wait to do so during the day on a weekday? The answer is it depends on the specific situation.
Call (614) 221-0100 today to speak with our experienced Ohio bail bondsman!
How and When Bail Is Set
A couple of the factors that will determine whether you can bail your loved one out of jail on the weekend are how and when bail is set. Some criminal offenses have a preset bond that’s outlined in a bond schedule. If your loved one was arrested and charged with one of these offenses, after they have been booked, you can post bail at any time.
However, a judge will have to determine bail for more serious criminal matters. They make their decision at an arraignment after considering several factors, such as the defendant’s criminal history and the severity of the offense. Generally, the court will schedule the arraignment within 24 to 48 hours after the arrest. This means that you would have to wait a day or so before posting your loved one’s bail.
Where Bail Is Posted
Another factor that affects whether you can bail your loved one out of jail on the weekend is where you can post bond. It may be possible to do so at the court that has jurisdiction over your loved one’s case. Depending on the court, they may be available 24/7 to accept payment. Others are only open during the week.
However, even if the court is closed at night or on the weekend, you may be able to post bond with the law enforcement agency that arrested your loved one. It’s best to call the jail before attempting to make the payment to ensure that it can be done outside of business hours.
Also, some types of bond, such as property bonds, can only be posted during regular business hours.
Contact our bail bondsman today at (614) 221-0100 to get your bail bond now!
After Bail Has Been Posted
Whether on the weekend or during the week, after you’ve posted bond for your loved one, a notice of release will be sent to the jail. Depending on the facility, it may be several hours before your loved one is let out.
Your loved one will also get information regarding their next scheduled court date. It’s imperative that they attend all hearings. Failure to do so will result in the bond being forfeit, meaning you won’t get your money back after their case is complete.
Our bail bondsman is available 24/7. Call us at (614) 221-0100
Speak with a Bail Bonds Agency Today
The bail bond process can be overwhelming. Knowing what agency to contact and where to post bail can be confusing and frustrating. At Andy Callif Bail Bonds, we’ve been helping residents of Columbus and the surrounding areas post bond. We’re available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, which means we’re here when you need us.
For assistance, call us at (614) 221-0100 or contact us online today.
Our Ohio bail bondsman is available 24/7, call us (614) 221-0100!