Being arrested for a crime can be overwhelming. Just as stressful may be deciding whether to hire a bail bond company for help getting out of jail. Several misconceptions about bail bonds may be floating around, deterring people from taking advantage of an affordable option that can help secure release from pre-trial detention. This blog dispels some of the things about bail bonds that aren’t accurate.
If you want more information about Columbus’s bail bond process, please contactAndy Callif Bail Bonds at (614) 221-0100.
Clearing Up Misconceptions About Bail Bonds
If you or a loved one has been arrested, you may feel overwhelmed and unsure of what to do next. You may have also heard some things about bail bonds that aren’t accurate.
Call (614) 221-0100 today to speak with our experienced Ohio bail bondsman!
Below are some myths people might have heard about bail bonds:
Bail Bonds Are Pricey
Contrary to popular belief bail bonds don’t have to cost an arm and a leg. The cost will vary, as it depends on the amount of bail set by the judge. Legally, bail bond companies can charge no more than a 10% premium for their services. For example, the premium for $15,000 bail will be $1,500, a fraction of what it would be to pay the entire thing up front.
Bail bonds aren’t necessarily pricey. Often, they are much lower than people expect, making them an affordable option for those arrested.
Contact our bail bondsman today at (614) 221-0100 to get your bail bond now!
Bail Serves as a Punishment
Bail is an important part of the American criminal justice system. When someone is arrested, bail is a way for them to get out of pre-trial detention.
A judge sets the bail amount to ensure that the defendant appears at trial and meets any other court-ordered conditions. Bail cannot be used as punishment for an arrest – it can only be imposed if a court finds that it’s necessary to ensure the appearance of a defendant and/or protect public safety. Furthermore, bail amounts must be reasonable and are not intended to place an undue financial hardship on the defendant or their family. Also, defendants are innocent until proven guilty. They cannot be punished unless involvement in a crime is proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
Bail should never be seen as a form of punishment — its purpose is to ensure fairness throughout the criminal justice system by protecting everyone’s right to due process and ensuring public safety while allowing defendants their freedom until they stand trial.
Our bail bondsman is available 24/7. Call us at (614) 221-0100
Everyone Arrested Can Be Bailed Out of Jail
Not everyone who is arrested ends up being bailed out of jail. Bail is not a Constitutional right.
Bail might not be granted to people accused of more serious crimes like murder or armed robbery. Furthermore, bail might be denied if the judge believes that the defendant poses a risk to others and no bail conditions will ensure public safety.
In some cases, bail may also be denied when the defendant has:
- Previously failed to appear in court,
- Violated bail conditions from previous arrests, or
- Committed fraud related to bail applications.
Ultimately, whether bail could be granted depends on the specific circumstances of a case and what the judge feels would be best for public safety and accountability within the criminal justice system.
You Must Pay the Entire Bail Amount Before You Can Be Released
A person doesn’t necessarily have to pay the entire bail amount up front. As mentioned before, they can pay a 10% premium to a bail bond agency, which is a portion of the total.
In some cases, defendants may be granted release on an appearance bond. Rather than paying the whole bail amount, the individual would have to pay only 10%. Although this type of bail is similar to working with a bail bond company, the 10% is paid directly to a court and not an agency.
Finally, some people may use collateral to secure release from jail. Collateral is any property holding significant value. It will be returned at the end of the case, provided the defendant shows up as required. However, the court or bail bond company may seize and sell it if the defendant fails to appear for hearings.
You Can’t Bail Yourself Out of Jail
Bail might be set at an amount beyond a defendant’s financial reach. It might also not be feasible for their friends or family to pay the cost. The limitations do not necessarily mean that the defendant has to stay behind bars while their case is pending.
A defendant can reach out to a bail bond company to get themselves out of pre-trial release. They would have to complete some paperwork and sign a contract before the process gets started.
You Can do Whatever You Want When Out on Bail
Getting out on bail can seem like a breath of fresh air for someone recently confined to jail. However, bail comes with conditions that must be strictly adhered to.
The conditions may include the following:
- Having limited or no contact with certain people,
- Abstaining from drug or alcohol use, and
- Showing up for court hearings.
Failure to abide by the court-ordered conditions can result in serious consequences, including fines, additional criminal charges, and even revocation of bail, leading to a return to jail.
More than anything else, it’s important for defendants to remember that when out on bail, they are still under the watchful eye of the court.
You Must Pay the Entire Bail Amount After Your Trial
If a defendant hires a bail bond company, they pay a 10% premium for the agency’s services. They do not have to pay the other 90% at the end of their case. However, if the defendant fails to show up for court, their bail will be forfeited, and they will owe the balance of the bail to the agency.
It must be noted that some defendants may have payment plans set up with the bail bond agency. Therefore, even after their case concludes, they may still be required to send money to the company until their financial obligation is satisfied.
Get Help with the Bail Bond Process in Columbus
It’s important to dispel any myths or misconceptions about bail bonds. Bail bonds are a way to help someone get out of jail while their case is pending. It’s not as pricey as people think, and options may be available to help with the premium and other fees.
If you have been arrested and need help getting out of jail, please do not hesitate to reach out to Andy Callif Bail Bonds. We are here to help every step of the way, and we want to ensure that you understand your options so you can make informed decisions.
To get started on seeking pre-trial release, please contact us at (614) 221-0100.
Our Ohio bail bondsman is available 24/7, call us (614) 221-0100!